As part of the book "A New Wave of Antiracism in Europe? Racialized Minorities at the Centre"(IMISCOE Research Series, Springer), edited by Ilke Adam, Jean Beaman and Mariska Jung, we shall soon be able to read Serena D'Agostino's "#RomaLivesMatter, too. Romani Anti-Racist Activism in Europe: from (De)politicization towards a Critical Turn". Find out what this chapter entails below!
"#RomaLivesMatter, too. Romani Anti-Racist Activism in Europe: from (De)politicization towards a Critical Turn", D'Agostino reflects on emerging directions and critical perspectives in European Romani (antiracist) activism, which confronts the normalization and invisibilization of anti-Roma racism, even within broader antiracist movements. She retraces the evolution of the European Romani (antiracist) activism over the past fifty years, focusing on three major phases:
- The emergence and consolidation of a global Roma civil rights movement
- The Europeanization of Roma representation
- The ‘critical turn’, where post-colonial, feminist, intersectional and queer voices emerge
By revisiting key historical developments and exploring the current evolutions of Romani politics, this chapter contributes to the ongoing scholarly and activist debate on racism and racial equity in Europe.
About the author
Serena D'Agostino (she/her/hers) is a Senior Researcher at the Politics and Public Governance Group at the University of Antwerp, as well as a Senior Associate Researcher at the Centre for Migration, Diversity and Justice (CMDJ) at the Brussels School of Governance (BSoG) and a member of RHEA at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). She obtained her PhD in Political Science at the VUB in 2018 with the thesis "Romani Women in European Politics. Exploring Multi-Layered Political Spaces for Intersectional Policies and Mobilizations”. She is the co-editor, alongside Nadia E. Brown, of "Intersectional (Feminist) Activisms: Global Practices and Experiences" (Routledge, 2024).
Full reference for the future chapter
D'Agostino, S. (forthcoming). #RomaLivesMatter, too. Romani Anti-Racist Activism in Europe: from (De)politicization towards a Critical Turn. Manuscript in preparation. In I. Adam, J. Beaman, & M. Jung (Eds.), A New Wave of Antiracism in Europe? Racialized Minorities at the Centre (IMISCOE Research Series). Springer.
Information and contact details of the author
Serena D'Agostino