Dr. Geraldine André
Géraldine André is a doctor in social and political sciences (UCL-Mons, 2009). She also holds Masters in Roman Languages, French as a second Language and Antropology (UCL). She was a postdoctoral researcher at the Universities of Antwerp, Liège, UCL and ULB. From 2010 until 2015, she held a postdoctoral fellowship from F.N.S.-FNRS. Her research interests include sociology of education, youth, labour and social inequalities, issues of diversity and discrimination, especially in the educational field.
As a member of the MDJ Cluster, she will carry out a 4-year Innoviris research project entitled ‘Empower Youth’ which Dr. André has co-authored with Dr. Alejandra Alarcon-Henriquez. It is a collaborative project between ULB and VUB; the Promotors are Prof. Dr. Dirk Jacobs (GERME-ULB) and Prof. Dr. Ilke Adam (IES & Rhea-VUB). It will research obstacles and drivers of societal and citizen participation of underpriviledged youngsters in Brussels, paying attention to gender differentiation and migratory origins.
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussel