Dr. Rehana Capurchande
Rehana Capurchande, is a lecturer in the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique. She has recently completed her PhD in Sociology at Vridje Universitatei Brussel. Rehana received a master degree in African Studies from the Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa in Lisbon, Portugal.
Her research interests are related to Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH). More specifically, she is interested in family planning, HIV/AIDS, gender and child marriage issues. Following qualitative approach, her more recent work is titled Unravelling the mosaic discourses and practices about family planning in two settings of Maputo province, Mozambique: A phenomenological study. The two more recent publications follows: “Between compliance and resistance: exploring discourses on family planning in community health committees in Mozambique” (DOI 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-006529). and “It is challenging… oh, nobody likes it!” – a qualitative study exploring Mozambican adolescents and young adults’ experiences with contraception (DOI 10.1186/s12905-016-0326-2). Her currently work includes “If I have only two children and they die… who will take care of me?”: a qualitative study exploring knowledge, attitudes and practice about family planning among Mozambican female and male adults. As well, “From theory to practices: discourses and practices about family planning by health care providers in Maputo province, Mozambique – a qualitative study”
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