Prof. Dr. Gloria Gonzalez-Fuster
Prof. Dr. Gloria González Fuster is a Research Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)'s Faculty of Law and Criminology, and Co-Director of the Law, Science, Technology and Society (LSTS) Research Group. She holds a BOF research position on the theme 'Digitalisation & a Europe of rights and freedoms', teaches 'Privacy and data protection law', and coordinates the course 'Bruxelles: La ville et le droit'. Additionally, she lectures on data protection law at the LL.M. in European and Transnational Law of Intellectual Property and Information Technology of Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. She is currently contributing to the projects Articulating Law, Technology, Ethics and Politics: Issues of Enforcement and Jurisdiction of EU Data Protection Law under and beyond the General Data Protection Regulation (ALTEP-DP), Autonomy through Cyberjustice Technologies (ACT), and 'La implementación del RGPD en España: El impacto de las cláusulas abiertas en la nueva LOPD, en su normativa de desarrollo y en la legislación sectorial' (PRODATIES) (RTI2018-095367-B-I00), as well as the Legality Attentive Data Scientists (LEADS) MSCA Innovative Training Network.
fundamental rights, privacy, data protection
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1050 Elsene