On the 24th of April we welcome Dr. Chloé Janssen at the Rhea Seminar series! Bring your lunch and join us at 12:30 on the second floor of Pleinlaan 5.
Abstract: Eurostat survey on gender-based violence: capturing accurate data
Gender-based violence in the private and public sphere remains one of the biggest challenges in today’s societies. Recent years have seen the development of national and international policy and legal responses aiming to reduce and eliminate these forms of violence. The lack of accurate data however hinders countries’ capacity to provide efficient and effective responses to these issues. In line with the provisions of the Istanbul Convention, Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, has launched an EU-wide population survey on gender-based violence in 2016. Belgium is among the 18 EU countries to take part in this survey. The national statistical office Statbel along with the three regional offices (IBSA, VSA, IWEPS) has been in charge of the operationalization of the survey. The data in preparation cover various forms of gender-based violence, including sexual harassment at work, intimate partner violence, stalking, and experiences of violence in childhood. Female as well as male respondents took part to the survey.
The aim of the seminar is to present the data at hand and to provide an overview of the technical and methodological aspects of the survey in order to stimulate scientific research and support multidisciplinary approaches.
Chloé Janssen currently works as a senior researcher on gender-based violence at the Walloon Institute for Evaluation, Forecasting and Statistics (- IWEPS, BE). She is the main researcher in charge of preparing and finalizing the Belgian data on gender-based violence. She holds a PhD in Political Science from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium. Her thesis dealt with the participation and representation of women and minority groups in politics, from an intersectional perspective, with a focus on the Brussels context. Her work has been published in Acta Politica; Politics; the Journal of Elections and Public Opinion and Parties; and Politics, Groups, and Identities.