Marijke Roosen, Yana Jaspers en Mattias de Backer schreven opiniestuk
Na Pano over wangedrag aan universiteiten: ‘Laten we het profiel van de ‘goede’ professor in vraag stellen en hertekenen Marijke Roosen, postdoctoraal onderzoeker Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). Yana Jaspers, professor jeugdcriminologie (VUB).
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Have you witnessed or experienced Gender-Based Violence in academia?
SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE ON GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE The UniSAFE project tackles gender-based violence in academia by gathering and examining various personal experiences related to this issue.
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Publication Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies
RHEA-director Prof. Dr. Gily Coene and RHEA-members Eva Vergaert and Prof. Dr. Sophie Withaeckx have edited a special issue of Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies on the subject of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV).
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Recordings ‘Black Europe in Brussels’ conference
The online interdisciplinary conference ‘Black Europe in Brussels’ consisted of a range of inspiring activities which took place between 1-15 July 2021. The conference brought to the forefront the Afroeuropean communities and Brussels, the capital of Belgium and Europe.
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Sekswerk in tijden van corona: Hét bewijs dat we moeten streven naar de decriminalisering van de sekswerksector?
Afbeelding © PhotoNews Pia Struyf & Daan Bauwens schreven een artikel over sekswerk in tijden van corona en de nood aan decriminalisering van de zuiver economische uitbating van sekswerk. "Begin april 2021 stelde minister van Justitie Vincent Van Quickenborne een wets...
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Recording of lecture 'Justice in a Multispecies world' by Professor Maneesha Deckha
Last January RHEA co-organized together with VUB Crosstalks and Kaaitheater the event ‘Justice in a Multispecies World: Lecture by Professor Maneesha Deckha’. Maneesha Deckha is an intersectional posthumanist legal scholar and full professor in law at the University of Victoria in Canada.
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Recording of lecture 'Privacy through the Lenses of Race and Gender' by Professor Anita L. Allen
On International Women's Day, we had an interesting lecture by Professor Anita L. Allen on privacy. Although privacy should be considered a foundational good, the story of privacy for groups on the margins has been a lack of privacy protection, or too much of the wrong kinds of privac...
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VUB Equality Network panel discussion
VUB EQUALITY NETWORK Providing groups, organizations and other VUB-students who work on equality and inclusion, an exchange platform, practical support and a platform to connect and strengthen them.
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Afroeuropeans Conference 2021 Postponed
It is with regret that the Brussels Organising Committee of the Afroeuropeans Conference 2021 decided to postpone the 2021 Brussels conference "Intersectional Challenges in Afroeuropean Communities" , given the uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Brussels Or...
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Diversity in the curriculum
Diversity today in academic curricula is discussed in numerous educational institutions, nationally and internationally. Current academic curricula are often disproportionately focused on exclusively Western perspectives and themes that (unconsciously) exclude specific groups.
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Lezingenreeks Dalilla Hermans
In the spring of 2021, Dalilla Hermans will give a series of lectures on socially relevant themes such as (anti-) racism and decolonization. What will those lectures involve?
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Aankondiging RHEA in verband met Minderhedenforum
Deze ochtend vernamen we via persberichten dat Minister Somers niet langer met het Minderhedenforum wil samenwerken aan participatie van minderheden, maar met de pas opgerichte vzw JOIN.Vlaanderen.
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