New: RHEA Gender Lecture Series!
The RHEA Gender Lecture Series: because gender, diversity and intersectionality matter year round!
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Down the “Black Hole” of Sexual Violence in the Brussels Nightlife
Talk about starting the year off strong! On New Year's Day, journal 'Sexual Violence' published an article on Sexual Violence in Brussels Nightlife by Danielle Fernandes, Maïté Meeûs and Gily Coene.
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Jihane Sliti on "No punishment is enough for monsters"
In a Q & A for the Editor's Choice of Rhea's Newsletter, Jihane Sliti discusses her and Prof. Dr. Iman Lechkar's recent publication “No punishment is enough for monsters" (short title)...
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Teaser: Feminist Democratic Design
For the Editor's Choice of our Newsletter, we wrote a teaser on Prof. Dr. Karen Celis and Prof. Dr. Sarah Childs' piece on democratic practices through a feminist lens. Feminist Democratic Design (FDD): Why do we need it, What is it and How does it work?
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Coming soon: #RomaLivesMatter, too
As part of the book "A New Wave of Antiracism in Europe? Racialized Minorities at the Centre"(IMISCOE Research Series, Springer), edited by Ilke Adam, Jean Beaman and Mariska Jung, we shall soon be able to read Serena D'Agostino's "#RomaLivesMatter, too.
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Brown Bag Seminars
We are relaunching the RHEA Brown Bag Seminars! Every few weeks, RHEA-researchers will present their work or proposals with the aim to collect feedback and insights. Bring your lunch and join us at the next (online) seminar!
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PhD Vacature: Pornogebruik bij jongeren in een diverse samenleving
Heb jij een Masterdiploma in de Sociale en Humane wetenschappen? Ben je gedreven om verder onderzoek te doen? Dan is deze positie misschien voor jou! Click for more info!
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Save the date: Respect Existence or Expect Resistance
On the 4th of March (18:00 - 20:00) we kick off our annual celebration of the Genderweek with Dr. Stella Nyanzi.
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Save the date!
RHEA invites you to the inaugural Machteld De Metsenaere lecture of Gender week 2023! Save the date for our panel discussion on the Iranian uprising and women's rights. Click for more info!
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An Ugly Word: Book Launch
13/02: EDGE and BIRMM warmly invite you to the presentation and discussion of the book ‘An Ugly Word. Rethinking Race in Italy and the United States’ (2021). Click for more info!
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Paul De Vroede award ceremony: RHEA-member Susan Dierickx
The Paul De Vroede award supports doctoral research with a societal relevance in humanities. This year, we are proud to announce that one of the laureates is RHEA-member Susan Dierickx! Click to go to the event page.
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Tribute to Fatima Mernissi: screening of "Fatema, la Sultane inoubliable"
We invite you to discover the film Fatema, la Sultane inoubliable at its first screening in Europe. The event will take place in French, on 30/11/2022.
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