Here you can find all past events of Rhea in recent years
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State feminism in Europe and beyond - with Amy G. Mazur
Join RHEA for an evening with Amy G. Mazur, exploring gender equality machineries as catalysts for democracy across the globe. - Practical info-
Decolonial Feminism and Palestine - with Dr. Zuleika Sheik & Fatena Al Ghorra
Join RHEA for an evening with scholar Dr. Zuleika Sheik and Belgian-Palestinian writer Fatena Al Ghorra, exploring the intersections of decolonial feminism and the Palestinian resistance.
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DIY Your Protest Sign + Women's March
This Saturday, join RHEA and GreenTeam VUB for the Women's March!
At 11h30, you can come and paint your protest signs with us in the C-building (C.2.07A)
At 13h20 we gather at building D to head to the Feminist Village (14h - 15h) and the Women's March (15h - ... )
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On the 24th of February, we organise our third Brown Bag Seminar of this academic year, with two PhD presentations. - Practical info-
RHEA Book Club: Who's Afraid of Gender?
Register now to read Judith Butler's latest book together! - Practical info-
Wie is er bang van gender? - Inaugurale Machteld De Metsenaere lezing/panel
Op 3/03 trappen we de RHEA Gender Lecture series af met het panelgesprek 'Wie is er bang van gender?' - Practical info-
Brown Bag Seminar: FWO proposals
Members only! On the 20th of January, we have our second Brown Bag Seminar of this academic year, with an FWO PhD proposal presentation. - Practical info-
Brown Bag Seminar
On the 17th of December, Catherine Atahigwa will present her paper with the following title: Navigating Gender and Power: A Qualitative Analysis of Fertility Decision-Making in Rubirizi District, Southwestern Uganda
Send us an e-mail to join!
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Islam in Belgian prisons: presentation by Elias Woodbridge
Colloquium: Prisons et Spiritualité en Belgique
What conditions govern the exercise of religion in Belgian prisons and by whom are they defined?
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10 jaar Master Gender en Diversiteit
We nodigen jou van harte uit op het 10-jarig jubileum van de interuniversitaire master Gender & Diversiteit op woensdag 20 november 2024.
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Brown Bag Seminar I
We'll kick off our Brown Bag Seminar Series with a feedback session for the Postdoc proposals of RHEA-members.
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Walker Symposium: Picking Up Moral Understandings
25 years after Margaret Walker’s Moral Understandings was first published by Routledge, we invite scholars to carry forward Walker’s examinations.
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Gender Research Methods Seminar 2024
Are you passionate about gender research and eager to enhance your methodological toolkit?
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Rhea @Vrouwenmars/@Women's March
Kom mee met Rhea naar de Vrouwenmars (start om 17:00 aan het Centraal Station van Brussel). We vertrekken collectief van op de VUB Main Campus Etterbeek om 16:30. Haal je bordjes, face-paint en beste wandelschoenen uit de kast!
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Politiek kopstukkendebat: Gender Gelijkheid Verkiezingen
De verkiezingen zijn in aantocht, wat voor veel VUB-studenten betekent dat ze voor de eerste keer naar de stembus trekken.
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Panel: Voorbij het klassieke gezin?
'Voorbij het klassieke gezin?' is een panelgesprek dat exploreert hoe het maatschappelijk beeld van 'familie' verandert onder invloed van nieuwe reproductieve technologie.
Experten Julie Nekkebroeck (UZ Brussel), Olivia Wittock (Cavaria), Michiel De Proost (Ugent) en Caroline Roelen
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Masterclass: conversatie met Soumaya Naamane Guessous
Op dinsdag 5 maart gaat Soumaya Naamane Guessous in gesprek met studenten over haar geprezen onderzoek over Islam en seksualiteit en haar strijd voor vrouwenrechten in Marokko.
Inschrijven voor 1 maart (verplicht) via e-mail.
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Féminité et sexualité en islam
Crosstalks, Fatima Mernissi Leerstoel et Rhea vous invitent pour un recontre avec Soumaya Naamane Guessous, pour une conversation fascinante sur la féminité et la sexualité en Islam.
Soumaya Naamane Guessous partagera ses perspectives éclairante
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FEM IN ART: Documentary screening + Q&A
Join Rhea and VISU for the screening of a fascinating documentary, followed by an exclusive Q&A with director Sarah Baur. Prof. Dr.
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Machteld De Metsenaere inaugural lecture
Respect Existence or Expect Resistance: The Costs of Resisting the Heteropatriarchy in Uganda
Still a few spots left, register now before they are gone!
This year our inaugural Machteld De Metsenaere lecture is given by Dr. Stella Nyanzi.
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Symposium: Islamitische ethiek en samenleven in etnisch-culturele diversiteit
Symposium: Islamitische ethiek en samenleven in etnisch-culturele diversiteit
Op 21 juni organiseert Rhea samen met het Onderzoekscentrum Cultuur en Gender van de UGent en partnerorganisaties het symposium: Islamitische ethiek en samenleven in etnisch-culturele diversiteit.&nb
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Rhea Seminar Series: Ruth Candlish
Join us for the last Rhea Seminar of the academic year, with Ruth Candlish!
Accounting for the different motivational factors explaining the substantively different quality of political representation.
Ruth Gazsó Candlish is a visiting PhD student from Central E
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Rhea Seminar Series: Chloé Janssen
On the 24th of April we welcome Dr. Chloé Janssen at the Rhea Seminar series! Bring your lunch and join us at 12:30 on the second floor of Pleinlaan 5.
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TechTransfer talk: Female Entrepreneurship
2nd activity of Gender week 2023: A debate about female entrepreneurship by VUB TechTransfer!
Featuring Yasmien Naciri (author and columnist), Sofie Baeten (Qbic Fund) and Elien Van Hecke (co-founder of Lavima, a VUB spin-off).
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Matinee screening: L'enfant endormi
Crosstalks sluit de Gender week 2023 af met een matineevoorstelling van de Arabisch gesproken film 'L'enfant endormi'.
Frans ondertiteld met een nabespreking in het Frans.
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Kortfilms: Dochters als verhalenvertellers
Crosstalks organiseert heel de Gender week filmavonden rond migratie door de ogen van vrouwelijke filmmakers uit Noord-Afrika en Zuidwest-Azië.
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Film: Ali au Pays des Merveilles
After our online misogyny lecture in the morning (open to all - dutch), you can join the first evening of the Lost Stories film festival, organized by our partner Crosstalks.
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Abortuspil zonder voorschrift? De mogelijke demedicalisering van abortus
Let's talk about the elephant in the womb. Een abortuspil zonder voorschrift, de toekomst?
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Gastlezing: Gender, intimiteit en online misogynie
Gender, intimiteit en online misogynie
Ongewenste dick-pics, de goeroestatus van Andrew Tate, expose-groepen, de Silhouette challenge ...
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Gender week 2023: The Iranian uprising and women's rights
RHEA invites you to the inaugural Machteld De Metsenaere lecture of Gender week 2023! Save the date for our panel discussion on the Iranian uprising and women's rights.
Key-note speaker: Ladan Rahbari (UVA)
Registrations closed
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Rhea Seminar Series: Elias Woodbridge
The Rhea Seminar Series 2023 continues! Bring your lunch and join us on the 27th of February, 12:30, PL.5.2.03 .
Our next presenter is Elias Woodbrid
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An Ugly Word: book presentation & discussion
EDGE and BIRMM warmly invite you to the presentation and discussion of the book ‘An Ugly Word. Rethinking Race in Italy and the United States’ (2021).
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Paul De Vroede award ceremony: RHEA-member Susan Dierickx
RHEA-member Susan Dierickx will receive the Paul De Vroede award on the 21st of December. Join us for the ceremony! - Practical info-
Tribute to Fatima Mernissi: screening of "Fatema, la Sultane inoubliable"
We invite you to discover the film Fatema, la Sultane inoubliable at its first screening in Europe. The event will take place in French, on 30/11/2022. - Practical info-
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As part of the VUB gender week, this one hour session will focus on how NEW gender research requirements for Horizon Europe projects should improve the scientific quality and societal relevance of European projects.
- Practical info
Statement of solidarity with the people of Palestine
19 mei 2021
(Pour le français, veuillez faire défiler vers le bas - For English, please scroll down)
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Muslim men in Flanders' prisons
After the terrorist attacks in France (2015) and Belgium (2016), radicalisation in Belgian prisons gained tremendous international attention in the public and political debate.
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Social reintegration of female returnees and their children
Since June 2019, 12 Belgian women and 30 children have returned from the Kurdish detention camps in northeast Syria. Once they reach Belgium, the women/mothers are taken to prison and the children are either fostered by their families or in youth institutions.
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[GENDERWEEK] ELO Session: Horizon Europe and the gender dimension in research
ELO Session: Horizon Europe and the gender dimension in research
Are you a researcher interested in preparing a Horizon Europe project proposal?
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[GENDERWEEK] LIJF-elijk ANDERS photo exhibition
LIJF-elijk ANDERS photo exhibition
'LIJF-elijk ANDERS’ is a photo exhibition and vernissage by photographer and cultural scientist Hilde Braet, which explores the boundaries of 'women' with a 'disability' and their experience of sexuality.
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[GENDERWEEK] Bio-ethiek, multiouderschap en nieuwe relatievormen
Het tweeoudergezin met het heteroseksuele monogame koppel en eerstegraads genetisch verwante kinderen in één huishouden lijkt steeds minder de realiteit.
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Colonial occupation has been the driving engine behind a prolific and highly profitable defence industry for Israel and Israeli companies.
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Inclusive dementia care for an ethnically diverse population: a new conceptual lens - 20 June
Inclusive dementia care for an ethnically diverse population: a new conceptual lens
RHEA Research Seminar by Dr. Saloua Berdai Chaouni
Together with Europe, Belgium knows an increasing share of older migrants with dementia.
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A Master in Critical Diaspora, Race and Liberation Studies
Expect a presentation of the 'Blueprint study', lively debates, poetry and dance
Calls to decolonize the university in South Africa and the United Kingdom starting in 2015, and have also been present in Europe.
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Public PhD defence Michiel De Proost
On April 21, Michiel De Proost will publicly defend his PhD-thesis "Frictions with autonomy and future fertility: Towards a feminist empirical bioethics of social egg freezing".
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'Freezing Fertility: Oocyte Cryopreservation and the Gender Politics of Ageing’: author meets (friendly) critics
To celebrate the publication of Lucy van de Wiels's new book 'Freezing Fertility: Oocyte Cryopreservation and the Gender Politics of Ageing', RHEA will be hosting a book symposium with the author and comments from: Michiel De Proost (VUB) and Susan Dierickx (VUB).
Welcomed as liberation
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For all queens present: 'Defining womanhood' with Crazinist and Tracy Africa Norman
In verband met het FOR ALL QUEENS! Pride festival nodigen For all queens met steun van RHEA mode icoon en eerste zwarte transgender model Tracey Norman Africa uit.
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Publieke verdediging Eva Vergaert
Op woensdag 7 september 2022 zal Eva Vergaert haar doctoraat ‘Partnergeweld en de huisartsenpraktijk. Naar intersectionele zorgpraktijken’ verdedigen.
Bij vragen kan je Eva contacteren via